Welcome to Bizdata Website. This site provides access to details about all the Products and services offered by Bizdata. These include details about Products Goldfinch Analytics, eZintegrations, PLMAxis and Other Content available on the website including Documentation, Product Press Releases, Whitepapers, Data Sheets, Forums, Discussion Groups, Blogs, Video Content, Industry based Solutions. The following are terms of a legal agreement between you, other companies affiliated to you and Bizdata Inc. and its affiliated companies (“We” or “Bizdata”). By accessing or using the Site or the Content provided on or through the Site, you agree to follow and be bound by the following terms and conditions concerning your access to and use of the Site and the Content provided on or through the Site (“Terms of Use”) and our Privacy Policy. Bizdata may revise the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy at any time without notice to you. The revised Terms of Use and Privacy Policy will be effective when posted. You can review the most current Terms of Use and Privacy Policy in this page at a different section

Use of Bizdata Products

Your use of Bizdata Products and services is subject to all agreements such as a license agreement or user agreement that accompanies or is included with the Products, ordering documents, exhibits, and other terms and conditions that apply (“License Terms”).

Use of Materials

You may download, store, display on your computer, view, listen to, play and print Materials that Bizdata publishes or broadcasts on the Site or makes available for download through the Site subject to the following:

Use of Communities and Forums

Community Services are provided as a convenience to users and Bizdata is not obligated to provide any technical support for, or participate in, Community Services. While Community Services may include information regarding Bizdata products and services, including information from Bizdata employees, they are not an official customer support channel for Bizdata. Any Customer specific issues will be taken care of with the Bizdata Support.

Community and Forums may be used subject to the following:

Charged offerings and fees

The Product Subscriptions may be available to you with or without charge. Access to certain features, functions, and/or full or partial portions of the Product functionality may require payment. You may also be provided “trial”, “demo”, “beta” or other limited-functionality or limited-access versions of the Product and/or its parts with or without charge.In addition to any fees required to access certain features, capabilities, functions or services offered through or by the Service, you are responsible for paying all applicable taxes and/or other costs you may incur in order to access the Service and your account.

You may terminate your account at any time. You will not receive full or partial refunds for subscription periods that you have purchased. Terminating a subscription for one product does not necessarily terminate right(s) you may have for another product from Bizdata.

Reservation of Rights

The Site and content provided on the Bizdata Website are intellectual property and copyrighted work of Bizdata. All rights, title and interest not expressly granted with respect to the Site and Content provided on or through the Site are reserved. Bizdata reserves the right to terminate the permissions granted to you for Products, Forums, Community content and your use of the Content at any time.

Your Content

You agree that you will only upload, share, post, publish, transmit, or otherwise share on or through the Site Content that you have the right and authority to Share and for which you have the right and authority to grant to Bizdata all the licenses and rights set forth herein. By Sharing content, you grant Bizdata a worldwide, perpetual, royalty-free, irrevocable, nonexclusive, license to use and reproduce, modify, adapt, broadcast the content for any purpose in any form, medium or technology known now or later developed.

You agree that you will neither use the site in a manner nor share any content that:

Bizdata does not want to receive confidential information from you through or in connection with the Site. Notwithstanding anything that you may note or state in connection with Sharing Content, it shall not be considered confidential information and shall be received and treated by Bizdata on a non-confidential and unrestricted basis and Bizdata shall not take and shall not be required to take any steps to safeguard the confidentiality of any information that you Share, other than as specified in Bizdata’s Privacy Policy.

Account, Password and Security

As part of your use of the Products, you may receive a password and account designation upon completing the Product registration process. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the password and account related information and are fully responsible for all activities that occur under your password or account. You agree to:

No Unlawful/prohibited use

You agree not to use the Site, or Content provided on or through the Site, for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by these Terms of Use or the rules, guidelines or terms of use posted for a specific area of the Site or Content provided on or through the Site.


Bizdata has no obligation to monitor the Site or screen Content that is Shared on or through the Site. However, Bizdata reserves the right to review the Site and Content and to monitor all use of and activity on the Site, and to remove or choose not to make available on or through the Site any Content in its sole discretion. Bizdata may remove Content that is confidential or proprietary to a third party without that third party’s permission.

Termination of Use

Bizdata may, in its sole discretion, at any time discontinue providing or limit access to the Site, any areas of the Site or Content provided on or through the Site. You agree that Bizdata may, in its sole discretion, at any time, terminate or limit your access to, or use of, the Site or any Content. Bizdata may terminate or limit your access to or use of the Site if Bizdata determines, in its sole discretion, that you have infringed the copyrights of a third party. You agree that Bizdata shall not be liable to you or any third-party for any termination or limitation of your access to, or use of, the Site or any Content, including Content that you may have Shared.

Third party websites/content/products/services

The Site may provide links to Web sites and access to Content, products and services of third parties, including customers, Partners, affiliates and sponsors of the Site. Bizdata is not responsible for third party Content provided on or through the Site or for any changes or updates to such third-party sites, and you bear all risks associated with the access to, and use of, such Web sites and third-party Content, products and services. Refer to Policies on the third-party sites which are applicable and has nothing to do with Bizdata.


Any content accessed, downloaded or otherwise obtained on or through the use of the site is used at your own discretion and risk. Bizdata shall have no responsibility for any damage to your computer system or loss of data that results from the download or use of content.

Bizdata reserves the right to make changes or updates to, and monitor the use of, the site and content provided on or through the site at any time without notice.

Privacy Policy

Bizdata is concerned about your privacy and has developed a policy to address privacy concerns. For more information, please see Bizdata’s Privacy Policy. Any personal information collected on this Site may be accessed and stored globally and will be treated in accordance with Bizdata’s Privacy Policy. You understand that Bizdata collects, uses, processes, possesses, and otherwise stores your personal information and utilization data and may share such data with third party service providers for the purpose of improving or providing services subject to Bizdata’s Privacy Policy.

Availability of products

Information on the Site may reference or cross-reference Bizdata products, programs, or services that might not be available in your location. Such references do not imply that Bizdata plans to make such products, programs, or services available in your location. Please contact the Bizdata representative for more information.

Applicable laws

All matters relating to your access to, and use of, the Site and Content provided on or through or uploaded to the Site shall be governed by U.S. federal law or the laws of the State of California. Any legal action or proceeding relating to your access to, or use of, the Site or Content shall be instituted in a state or federal court in San Francisco or Santa Clara County, California. You and Bizdata agree to submit to the jurisdiction of, and agree that venue is proper in, these courts in any such legal action or proceeding.

Copyright and Trademark

Copyright © 2019-2024 Bizdata and/or its affiliates. All Rights reserved.

Bizdata’s trademarks are valuable assets that Bizdata needs to protect. We ask that you help us by properly using and crediting Bizdata trademarks in accordance with our guidelines. For information about proper use of Bizdata logos, logotypes, signatures, and design marks, please review the Third-Party Usage Guidelines for Bizdata Logos.Other mentions appearing on the Site may be trademarks of their respective owners.

Contact information

If you have any questions regarding these Terms of Use, please contact Bizdata at copyright@bizdata360.com. If you have any other questions, contact information is available at the Bizdata Website

Third Party Usage Guidelines for Bizdata Trademarks

Bizdata’s trademarks are valuable assets that Bizdata needs to protect. We ask that you help us by properly using and crediting Bizdata trademarks in accordance with these guidelines. For information about proper use of Bizdata logos, logotypes, signatures, and design marks, please review the Third-Party Usage Guidelines for Bizdata Logos.

Permissible Use

You may generally use Bizdata trademarks to refer to the associated Bizdata products or services. For instance, an authorised partner can highlight in its advertisements that it is using Bizdata Products and services for their business. Similarly, a Bizdata Customer may issue a press release or market that it is using bizdata products and services.


Relationship of Products or Services

You may indicate the relationship of your products or services to Bizdata products or services by using accurate, descriptive tag lines such as “for Goldfinch Analytics,” and “works with eZintegrations,” in connection with your product or service name. Within text or body copy, such tag lines may appear in the same type as your product or service name. Logo on cover as well.

On advertising and other collateral where your product or service name is displayed apart from body copy, make sure that the tag line appears in significantly smaller type than your name. You should also distinguish the tag line from your mark by using a different font or colour. However, Bizdata or the tag line should never appear in the Bizdata red colour. This is important to avert any implication that your product or service is produced or endorsed by Bizdata.

Prohibited Use

You may not use Bizdata trademarks in a manner which could cause confusion as to Bizdata sponsorship, affiliation or endorsement. Take particular care not to use Bizdata marks as set out below.

Company, Product or Service Names

Do not use Bizdata trademarks or potentially confusing variations as all or part of your company, product or service names. If you wish to note the relationship of your products or services to Bizdata products or services, please use an appropriate tag line as detailed above.

For more information regarding use of Bizdata logos, please review the Third-Party Usage Guidelines for Bizdata Logos.

Domain Names

Do not use Bizdata trademarks or potentially confusing variations in your Internet domain name. This helps prevent Internet users from being confused as to whether you or Bizdata is the source of the Web site.


Correct Use

Proper use of Bizdata trademarks reinforces their role as brands for our products and services and helps prevent them from becoming generic names that can be used by anyone. Examples of former trademarks that became generic terms are “aspirin,” “cellophane,” and “escalator.” By adhering to the following rules, you help protect Bizdata’s investment in its trademarks.

Use a Generic Term

Use a generic term in association with each Bizdata trademark the first time the mark appears in text, and as often as possible after that. You need not include generic names in headlines and documentation titles. For example, “Goldfinch Analytics” and “eZintegrations”

Avoid Variations

Do not vary Bizdata trademarks by changing their spelling or abbreviating them. For example, “eZintegrations” not “ezintegrations”.

Trademark Symbols and Credit Lines

Use of Bizdata trademark symbols and credit lines helps generate awareness in public about our trademark. It also helps them from becoming generic terms. Having credit lines also helps clarify that they belong to Bizdata. Use of symbols (™ or ®) to attribute ownership of Bizdata trademarks to Bizdata and the credit lines as detailed below would be appreciated.

Trademark Symbols

Use the ® symbol with the most prominent appearance of the “Bizdata” mark on products, packaging, manuals, advertisements, promotional materials and Web pages (for example, in the headline of an advertisement), and the first use of the mark in text or body copy. This includes situations where “Bizdata” is a part of a product or service name (for example, Bizdata® Partner Network). You do not need to use trademark symbols with other Bizdata trademarks.

“Bizdata” receives a trademark symbol in the headline because this is the most prominent appearance, and when it appears as part of the “Bizdata Partner Network” name because this is the first appearance in text. While there is no trademark symbol after “Bizdata” when it appears in front of the term “products” and “offerings” since we already used a symbol the first time that the term “Bizdata” appeared in body copy. It is always acceptable to continue using the ® after “Bizdata” throughout the document.

Credit Line

All products, packaging, manuals, advertisements, promotional materials and Web pages bearing Bizdata trademarks should include the following trademark credit line.

“Goldfinch Analytics is registered trademarks of Bizdata and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.”

“eZintegrations is registered trademarks of Bizdata and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.”

“PLM Axis is registered trademarks of Bizdata and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.”

The credit line may appear anywhere on the collateral, but typically is displayed on a copyright page, the back of a package or at the end of a document or web page.

“Bizdata” As a Trade Name

Trade names are the actual business names of companies. Trademarks and trade names are not the same, even though many companies use their trade names as trademarks. If you are using “Bizdata” as a substitute for Bizdata Inc, you are using it as a trade name. Because they are nouns, trade names can be used in the possessive and do not require a generic term or a trademark symbol. Thus, you should not use a ® after “Bizdata” when it appears as part of the full corporate name or as a trade name.


Further questions on Bizdata Trademarks, contact trademark@bizdata360.com

Third Party Usage Guidelines for Bizdata Logos.

Bizdata’s logos, signatures and design elements are valuable assets that Bizdata needs to protect. Accordingly, we request you follow the guidelines with respect to Bizdata logos. You are generally not able to use Bizdata logos unless you are specifically licensed or authorized to use them. Information regarding Logo programs under which you may be licensed to use Bizdata logos and information on obtaining other authorization is set out below.

Logo Programs

Qualified third parties can license the right to use select Bizdata Logos under Bizdata logo program. More information on these programs can be found at our website or by emailing the referenced email address.

Bizdata Partner Network Membership Logo

For use by Bizdata Partner Network Members. Partners can obtain more information at bizdata_pn@bizdata360.com

Goldfinch Analytics Logos

For Goldfinch Analytics Logo Programs Visit Goldfinch Analytics

eZintegrations Logos

For eZintegrations Logo Programs Visit  ezintegrations

PLMAxis Logos

For PLMAxis Logo Programs Visit /bizdata/platforms/plm-axis/


If you wish to use the Bizdata logo and are Bizdata Partner, please get in touch with your regular Bizdata contact who should directly work with Bizdata Partner Marketing team. Contact bizdata_pn@bizdata360.com for further assistance.

For a request, A written summary of following is required.

  1. Your name and your Company’s name.
  2. Contact information including Phone number, email address and mailing address
  3. Specific Bizdata logo that you wish to use
  4. Background information on your company, detailing any relationship with Bizdata, also mention if any previous correspondence you had with Bizdata regarding logo request
  5. The names of any Bizdata contacts/references (if any)
  6. A description of your proposed use for the logo, including why you want to use the logo, where the logo would appear, the duration and geographical extent of the proposed use, how the logo would be displayed to your corporate name and logo, whether the Bizdata logo would be one of several logos appearing and A brief description of Bizdata’s Involvement in any program or project in association with which you propose to use the Bizdata logo.
  7. A mock-up or sample drawing showing your proposed use of the Bizdata logo

Following Submission, Bizdata will evaluate the request and contact if additional information necessary. You will then be notified whether the request is approved. the turnaround time normally for such request is one week. If approval granted, you will be sent formal written authorization to use the Bizdata logo, electronic artwork and usage guidelines where appropriate.

Proper Use

Third Party licensed or authorised to use Bizdata logos must not alter or modify them in any way. Make sure to use the appropriate guideline provided by Bizdata. Use must comply with the terms and conditions of your license or Bizdata’s authorisation.

Further questions on Bizdata logos, contact


Copyright Information

Copyright © 2019-2024 Bizdata and/or its affiliates. All Rights reserved.


Procedure for Making Claims of Copyright Infringement

Bizdata respects the intellectual property rights of others, and we ask our individual using Bizdata Web sites to do the same. If you believe that your copyrighted work has been copied and is accessible on the Bizdata website in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, please send a Notice to our copyright agent providing following information:

Reach out to us for more information at copyright@bizdata360.com

 Bizdata Product Subscriptions through Online channels.

Any Bizdata product subscriptions through any online channel other than the website is unauthorised. In addition to being sold illegally, such offers may contain malware that could damage your systems.

Bizdata makes our Products available for Free Trial through the website along with various subscription models suitable for your business.

Use of Bizdata Product screenshots

Bizdata’s products are copyrighted material owned by Bizdata. Screenshots containing an image of an individual screen display from any Bizdata product are protected by copyright. More information in trademarks guidelines.

If you intend to use more then five (5) screenshots in a published work, such as a book, e-book, white paper or case study, you will require a formal approval from Bizdata.

Contact our copyright team copyright@bizdata360.com with below information:

Approval is subject to evaluation of above information.

To use less than five (5) Screenshots in a published work, you need to adhere to following terms.

  1. The permission establishes a fully recoverable, nonexclusive license and is not a transfer of ownership, title or any other right interest in Bizdata’s screenshots. Bizdata can terminate permission anytime by notifying you and the termination of permission for your particular use
  2. Your use may not directly or indirectly state or imply Bizdata Sponsorship, affiliation or endorsement of your product, service or Published work.
  3. Screenshots must be reproduced in their entirety and you may not alter screenshots in a way except to proportionally resize them. All the added comments and analysis related to the Product screenshots must be clearly attributable to you and not Bizdata.
  4. The permission does not apply to any Bizdata screenshots that are from any product release that are subject to non-disclosure obligations or that have not been made commercially available.
  5. Bizdata screenshots may not be incorporated into materials which as per Bizdata’s opinion are disparaging or defamatory of Bizdata, its products, or any other person or entity. These may include.